Friday, December 31, 2010

Wavin' BYE to the year! Kissin' 2011 HELLO! :)

This year has been a year, all right. This year felt long, but also I can't believe it's over already either.

To sum it up:
I dumped a guy, spent NYE alone, broke 4 bones in my foot, spent Valentines day w/ the best girl ever, saw Jimmy Buffett, watched everyone have babies, get married & break-up, had an awesome birthday ( leg cast & all!), quit my job, took a chance, moved far, far away from all my friends & life I'd known, worked the worst job ever over the summer, moved in with family, started nursing school, went on A LOT of weird & horrible dates, met my sister who I hadn't seen since I was like 5, met some new awesome people, read all the harry potter books, took lots of pictures, realized I can't live without Facebook, broke a laptop, got a new laptop, was the third wheel way too many times, ditched the iPhone, got a blackberry, rode my first taxi and started a blog!

Here's to making 2011 the best year I've had yet, to never being too busy to call my friends, never being too tired to play a board game, and to ALWAYS making a wish at 11:11 (they've been coming true!!)


1 comment:

  1. Cute! I love how you did this :) 2011 is our year girlfriend!!!!!!
